Un tabou sur les femmes

« C'est l'une de mes premières questions à Shri Mataji en 1980. Cet ostracisme des femmes, pendant leurs périodes, me dérangeait. J'ai posé cette question quand j'étais seule avec Shri Mataji parce qu’on m’avait dit de ne pas aborder ce genre de sujets quand des hommes sont alentour. Et Shri Mataji était toujours entourée d’hommes et de femmes. Shri Mataji n'a jamais parlé de ces choses en public ou pendant ses conférences. C'est la mentalité des gens en Inde, même dans ce siècle et malgré leur éducation.

C’est une des questions importantes qui me dérangeait au sujet des femmes : pourquoi elles n'avaient pas le droit de se rendre dans les lieux de culte quand elles avaient leurs menstruations. Voici ce que Shri Mataji a dit : les menstruation ne sont pas une chose sale. C'est simplement un revêtement qui se prépare pour qu’un enfant vienne au monde. Quand cela ne se produit pas, ce revêtement se dégrade et un nouveau est fait chaque mois. L'environnement est, pour le fœtus, renouvelé à chaque fois.

Elle a expliqué que lors des menstruations, Shri Ganesha est très actif. C‘est lui qui donne la couleur du sang. Pendant cette période, une femme devient très puissante, et elle est plus d'humeur à méditer. En fait, avec cette méditation, ses pouvoirs grandissent. Les forces du mal, revêtues de l’habit des prêtres (et autres hommes religieux de pouvoirs) le savaient et ne voulaient pas voir l'énergie "yin" croître. Ils ont donc mis toutes ces restrictions sur les femmes pour les contrôler. Finalement, les menstruations sont devenues un mot sale et les femmes ont été mises au ban de la société pour quelque chose qui leur est donné par la nature.
Cela m'a vraiment ouvert les yeux et depuis lors, j’ai essayé de dire aux femmes qu'elles sont pures. Ce n'est pas notre corps, mais notre Esprit et nos pensées qui nous rendent impures. Beaucoup de femmes ont remarqué que pendant leurs périodes, elles préfèrent la quiétude. Dans les temps anciens, des chambres spéciales avaient été créées où elles pouvaient rester, méditer, elles étaient libres d'y rester sans être dérangées par les travaux domestiques. »
« Les femmes sont irritables aujourd’hui car il n’y a plus de moments particuliers pour se retrouver avec soi-même et méditer. Avec nos emplois, un mode de vie trépidant, et des familles plus complexes, une femme est incapable de se détendre. C'est pourquoi elle passe à droite. Si les femmes avaient été autorisées à suivre leur rythme naturel, la société aurait pu être très différente et très équilibrée, car ce sont les femmes qui donnent les valeurs et l'équilibre à une société. »
Commentaire rajouté par Deepa

Ce sujet des menstruations a toujours été un sujet tabou, passé sous silence depuis des siècles. Dans certains pays, notamment de confession musulmane, cette idée d’impureté reste encore très forte. Les femmes ne sont pas punies par la nature mais bénies par Shri Ganesha.
 Image: fleurs poussant sur le mont Kailash

“It was one of my first questions to Shri Mataji in 1980. This ostracizing of women during periods used to bother me. I asked this question when I was with Her alone because I was taught not to broach such subjects where men are around. And Shri Mataji was always surrounded by men & women. She has never spoken about such things in public or lectures. This is the mindset of people in India even in this century and with all the education.
One of the big questions troubling me was why women were not allowed at places of worship. In 1980 I asked this as one of my first questions to Shri Mataji. This is what She said. Menstruation is not a dirty thing. It is just a lining being prepared for a child to come into this world. When that does not happen this lining is shed and a fresh one is made each month. The atmosphere for the foetus is made fresh & new repeatedly. She explained that at the time of menstruation Shri Ganesh is very active. The color of blood is given by Him. At that time a woman becomes very powerful, and she is more in a mood to meditate. Infact with this meditation her powers grow. The evil forces in the garb of pandits, pujaris, realised this and didn't want the 'yin' energy to grow. They put all these restrictions on women to control them. Eventually,menstruation became a dirty word and women were ostracized by society for something given to them by nature.
That really opened my eyes and since then have tried to tell women that they are pure. It is not our body, but our mind & thinking that makes us impure. Many women have noticed that during periods they prefer quietude. So special rooms in ancient times were created where they could stay, meditate, & be free to stay there without being bothered about their chores.”

"Women get irritable in modern times because it is the time to go within & meditate. But with our jobs, hectic lifestyles, and singular families a woman is unable to relax. That is why she goes into the right. If women had been allowed to do this, society might have been very different and very balanced., because it is the women who give values and balance."
Publié par dictionnaire sahaja yoga


Bhavani a dit…
bonjour j aimerai savoir si ce temoignage gegnial et important existe en anglais j aimerai le faire passer a des soeurs
lotus a dit…
“It was one of my first questions to Shri Mataji in 1980. This ostracizing of women during periods used to bother me. I asked this question when I was with Her alone because I was taught not to broach such subjects where men are around. And Shri Mataji was always surrounded by men & women. She has never spoken about such things in public or lectures. This is the mindset of people in India even in this century and with all the education.

One of the big questions troubling me was why women were not allowed at places of worship. In 1980 I asked this as one of my first questions to Shri Mataji. This is what She said. Menstruation is not a dirty thing. It is just a lining being prepared for a child to come into this world. When that does not happen this lining is shed & a fresh one is made each month. The atmosphere for the foetus is made fresh & new repeatedly. She explained that at the time of menstruation Shri Ganesh is very active. The color of blood is given by Him. At that time a woman becomes very powerful, and she is more in a mood to meditate. Infact with this meditation her powers grow. The evil forces in the garb of pandits, pujaris, realised this and didn't want the 'yin' energy to grow. They put all these restrictions on women to control them. Eventually,menstruation became a dirty word & women were ostracized by society for something given to them by nature.

That really opened my eyes & since then have tried to tell women that they are pure. It is not our body, but our mind & thinking that makes us impure. Many women have noticed that during periods they prefer quietude. So special rooms in ancient times were created where they could stay, meditate, & be free to stay there without being bothered about their chores.”

Women get irritable in modern times because it is the time to go within & meditate. But with our jobs, hectic lifestyles, and singular families a woman is unable to relax. That is why she goes into the right. If women had been allowed to do this, society might have been very different and very balanced., because it is the women who give values and balance.

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